State Patrimonial Responsibility and Access to Public Information

State Patrimonial Responsibility and Access to Public Information. The Patrimonial Responsibility of the State in this period that has been characterized by its constant legal innovations, its technological advances and information as a key element in a competitiveness plan in "the information age" is a right that requires evolution in the Country. The Patrimonial Responsibility of the State, begins to have an increasingly significant and functional importance for the common citizen. From the Federal Law of Access to Public Government Information published in the DOF in 2002, is that the citizen knows of the official sources of public information, especially in legal and patrimonial issues that the individual before had no access ( The positive legal framework, its budget, government programs, statistics on health, work, etc). It is important to know that the development of the constitutional recognition of the Right to Public Information, ---- unlike what commonly could be thought ----, was the result of the effort of organized civil society. Its protagonists were The Oaxaca Group, formed mainly by academics and businessmen; and the Juanito Ciudadano collective group that is linked to the Reforma newspaper, these two groups of ordinary citizens had an important participation in the period of the Transparency Legislation debates. The result was a Law: the Government Public Information Access Law that nourishes the Democratic State, which every Mexican citizen longs for - provided that there are also programs that promote the culture of the request for information ----. " THE JEWEL OF THE CROWN OF THE MEXICAN POLITICAL ALTERNANCE "- is a qualifier given to the current federal ordinance, which we as Mexicans have in terms of access to public governmental information. It is sought that this law becomes "AN EFFECTIVE INSTRUMENT OF GOVERNMENT TRANSPARENCY". The challenges from now on are that all sectors make good use of information, so as not to fall into the extreme of abuse or manipulation of information, which is incidentally the object of the recently approved Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals that will be a counterweight in the proper use of information, of individuals. The use of the Law allows it can be given by the Municipality, by questioning public services or international level, by questioning the reason why illegal weapons from the United States are illegally entered, as well as a negligent act in which the foreign government does not take the necessary measures. adequate to stop this illegal activity that affects both nations: Mexico and the USA


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